An external fire safety assessment has confirmed that Mann+Hummel air filters for HVAC systems comply with the latest fire safety standard EN 13501 class E (normal flammability), showing that both individual components and the filter as a whole, do not increase the risk of fire spreading or the development of smoke gases in the case of a fire.
The fire safety of room ventilation systems in buildings is regulated by EN 15423. For air filters, it states that materials must be classified regarding reaction to fire under EN 13501-1
EN 13501 has replaced DIN 53438 and while EN ISO 11925-2 continues to be used as the basis for testing, smoke development and dripping are now also evaluated which are important additions not included in the old DIN 53438. Components that give off a large amount of smoke or drip when burning significantly increase fire risk to humans. Smoke is more dangerous to humans than the fire itself, as it can lead to smoke poisoning and suffocation. The new regulations ensure that preventative fire safety takes on more importance.
Post time: May-13-2021